Curated information can influence worldview development more than direct experiences

[[ 2021-01-03 ]] #worldview , #introspection , #attention-economy , [[ Neighbourhoods ]] [[ A-the end of a world of nation-states may be upon us ]], [[ A-It’s a MAD Information War ]]

Living in the information age, with the astronomical amount of information available to me via the internet, it becomes too easy to spend a significant amount of my time in a day consuming information, which a lot of the times is someone elses opinion/assessment.

It is interesting to think about the extent to which consumed curated information influences my own worldview compared to developing world view from direct experience.

If I had to estimate, I would think it is something like 70/30. Most of my worldview has developed from consuming information on the internet, rather than directly experiencing something. Of course, my upbringing and environment influenced greatly who I have become and my worldview as well.

Most of this information is also coming from cities most likely.

If this is the case for many other people (and will probably only increase) it is important to accept this as a primary worldview generation process. Similar to the ideas in [[ environments that encourage people to judge actions critically rather than accept empty words ]], how can sources of information present less opinionated information and encourage individuals to reach their own conclusions.

Another spin on this idea is what is curating the information? On social media platforms, it is an algorithm trained to show content that will maximize engagement and time spent on site.

“Humanity has never been subject to propaganda and information warfare of this kind or at this scale. What are the consequences of this unprecedented situation for individuals and societies?” It’s a MAD Information War

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